blogwalking-blogwalking-blogwalking then jumpe si cantek nih.. die pandai menyanyi ! suare die sedap , and die jugak pandai main gitar.. da jadi trend kot mereka-mereka menyanyi menggunakan gitar ~ chop , kalo tak gune gitar gune ape ek?? okeh ! abaikan je laa..
sambung cite sal si cantek die AmannaRezal , 16 tahun maybe?? hee..btw nak kenal die lebih-lebih gi la kat die punye belog ~
I looked out through my window this morning,
I felt the wind and thats made me still breathing,
till today,
I stayed up all night,
Just to hear the rain,
Falling from the sky,
You brighten up my day with ur smile,
And I feel so lucky to have u by my side,
This day will make me feel so alone,
but not untill u come along,
come along, by my side, sharing out ur smile, with me all day long..
I feel so empty, with all the tragedies and without u here,
all the thoughts in my mind gone turns to tears,
I stayed up all night
waiting for ur call,
ringing on my phone.
before u left,
I can't stop myself,
from screaming,
ur name.

this song credit to si keding saya ^_^

waaa,dia memang nak jadi penyanyi ke cik kertas conteng? tak payah la kot,penyanyi tak banyk untung..haha..
mungkin ~
mmg la tak untung skunk nih
banyak sgt kot penyanyi..yg btul2 berminat je ley wat duit.. tol tak?
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